
Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Few Things

I know I've been kinda quiet on here this week. That is because I'm going crazy making scrapbook/signing pages for my niece's wedding on Saturday (50 pages to be exact). The newest trend right now (in Utah anyway) is to have your guest sign a scrapbook page or a photo frame instead of a regular guest book. Basically the scrapbook page is a picture of the couple along with a couple of embellishments. Then the guests write a little note to the couple in the empty area of the scrapbook page. I will probably post one of the pages for you to look at tomorrow, just so that you can see what I'm talking about.

Secondly, I wanted to remind everyone about the Simply Crafts Challenge. You still have a few days to enter a project with a stocking on it and if you win the random drawing one of the prizes is the cute little paper stack that I used on ALL of the projects below:


  1. These are super cute projects AND what a lucky niece you have. That's a really nice trend, but wow...that's a lot of pages. Good luck! Please show one or two...I think that would be sweet for a baby shower too. {hugs!}

  2. Wow Glora good luck with all those pages!!! Yiour cards are beau tee ful as always! LOve and Hugs, Cathryn :)

  3. Those are so pretty. Love the bear in the stocking. Can't wait to see some of the pages you made for the wedding.


  4. Adorable projects! I did the same thing for my sister's wedding in October. I scrapbooked pictures and cut out shapes from Elegant Edges. We put a basket for people to sign the shapes and I went back later and added them to finish the book. It was a lot of work but they were so pleased with the result. Good luck finishing!

  5. Those are all cute projects.


  6. So that's where you've been. I thought you were just recuperating from Emma's 12 days. Can't wait to see some of the wedding "stuff."

  7. I love these cards and paper you used. Great job on all of these. Smooches... Felicia

  8. Adorable projects!! Glad you have some quiet time-have fun at the wedding!
    Sherrie K

  9. I love following your blog. Enjoy the wedding. I have signed many books just like the one you describe. I also live in Utah.

  10. Glora, these are BEAUTIFUL and OH SO CUTE! Thanks for letting me know about this challenge...a new one to play in! YAY!

  11. OKAY something is for sure going on. I KNOW for a fact I left a comment here and now it is gone. What the heck!!! Anyway, these project that you have created are so adorable..! OMG I am living the little bear in the stocking, and the snowman on the ice block. Perfect papers and colors too! I have always wanted to make one of those little gift boxes. So sweet Glora:) I hope your challenge is still opened. I have something for Friday I want to enter it in:)

  12. These are so adorable and I love those papers! I have them too! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and those wedding pages for your niece are beautiful! Truly a labor of love!
