
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sneak Peek Entry

(written and submitted by my sweetie)

----- Forwarded Message ----
Sent: Fri, July 2, 2010 7:42:19 PM
Subject: Sneak Peek Entry

Dear Provo Craft,
I am writing to implore you to please NOT choose my wife, Glorajean, as the winner of your contest.

You see, my wife and I live in a moderate-sized home. She keeps her scrapbooking supplies in our bedroom, and ‘scraps’ late into the night while I try to fall asleep nearby.

The problem, as I hope you’ll understand, is that there really is not any more room for another “Next Big Thing.” Oftentimes, her project space spills over onto the bed and floor, making me dance carefully around the room to reach my clothes dresser without disrupting her work.

Over time, I’ve become accustomed to falling asleep to the chirping of her Cricuts. The glow of the Gypsy has become a nightlight that I’ve adjusted to. But I am afraid that if we have one more “Next Big Thing” to try to fit into that room, I might be evicted from the space and have to setup a sleeping bag in the front room in order to accommodate it.

Please understand that I love my wife dearly, and she is my entire world and more to me. I would never begrudge her hobby, or seek to withhold from her the happiness she finds in it. But just this one time, I hope you will not call Glorajean and let her know that she is a winner of your newest machine.

A Scrapbooker’s Husband


  1. This is SO clever! What a great idea. I hope you win and then share the secrets w/ me. ;-) I have to say when I saw the announcement I thought "Oh goodie, a new toy" Then oh boy my wallet... :D Tell your hubby he did a fab job!

  2. This is hilarious. I'm sure my hubby feels the same way. You guys are so cute!
